Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Knarr Ormen Korte

You ever forget you had a blog?

On that note, a bunch of updates spanning the last few months...

The Knarr Ormen Korte:

Longship of dragon-class built in the end of the 10th century for the chieftain Raud den ramme, Salten, HÃ¥logaland, northern Norway. It had 30 "rooms"/pairs of oars, and was large in relation to this number of oars. It was decorated with golden dragonheads. Its length was probably about 32 - 34 m.
The ship was later captured by the king of Norway Olav Tryggvason and Raud was killed. Olav Tryggvason was very pleased with this ship and it became a model for the more famous ship "Ormen Lange". When the latter ship was finished the first ship was renamed "Ormen Korte", which translates into "The short Dragon"/"The short Serpent".
In norwegian translations of
Heimskringla by Snorri Sturluson the ship is named "Ormen Korte", "Ormen Stutte" and "Ormen hinn skamme" (old norse/icelandic).


Here is the first color comp. From here I layered the pencils over the completed background painting and figured out my color. 

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